A Toronto Maple Leafs fan wants to celebrate his team's return to the NHL playoffs by turning the CN Tower into the world largest goal light.

Scott Booth has started a petition at change.org, imploring tower officials to add a goal light to Toronto's iconic tower as the Leafs get set to begin their first playoff run since 2004.

"I want to turn the CN Tower into a goal light," he said Tuesday during an interview on CBC Toronto's Metro Morning. "The kind of light you'd see on top of a fire engine … red, spinning. I'm hoping to do that so the whole city could see it, not just the people in the arena."

Booth, who arrived in the studio wearing a Leafs jersey, had 40 signatures on Monday, a figure that jumped to 1,800 by Tuesday morning.

Booth estimates that about 50,000 signatures would be enough to catch the attention of CN Tower officials.

The CN Tower's lights are often changed for special events and tributes. They turned green for St. Patrick's Day and orange in the days after the funeral of Jack Layton, the late NDP leader.

'It would be amazing'

"Imagine how incredible it would be to see The CN Tower light up red every time Toronto scored a goal!" Booth writes on his change.org petition page. "It would be amazing!"

Booth's push for the goal light is likely influenced by a Budweiser ad campaign that sells in-home, Internet-connected goal lights. They light up automatically the instant your favourite team scores.

Booth makes mention of Budweiser's campaign at the bottom of his petition page.

"P.S. Budweiser, you should have already thought about this. If you got room on your marketing team, I just graduated :)"