Unless accounting is your passion, the world of economics can often seem a little dull. But there's more to business than graphs, pie charts and the stock market. In our new series, host Scott Peterson meets real people bringing the economy to life, and has fun with the numbers while doing it.

In this first segment, Peterson goes looking for an affordable, unique and quintessentially Canadian activity to enjoy over March Break holiday. The high cost of travelling abroad, especially given the low Canadian dollar, is pushing many to consider unique 'staycation' options.

And what most people beyond avid fishermen don't know is that March is actually a great time to discover the joys of ice fishing.  Daylight hours are longer, fish are stirring, preparing for spawning, and eating more. Not to mention the warming temperatures make for a nicer experience for those on the ice. And as long as it's done safely, it's a great way to enjoy the last month of winter. Always check with a local operator as ice conditions can change quickly, make sure you purchase the appropriate licence, and don't go it alone.